
This package contains all events that are related to the client, such as the client connecting, disconnecting, or changing settings. Events which implement Cancellable can be cancelled, which will prevent the action from being applied.
  • Classes
    This event is called before a client session is authenticated.
    This event is called whenever a client is successfully connected, or a player switched to this server with the web client open
    This event is called whenever a client is successfully disconnected, or a player switched to this server with the web client closed
    This event is called whenever a client enables voice chat.
    This event is called whenever a peer is being added to the client, and can be cancelled to prevent the peer from being added.
    This event is called whenever a peer is being removed from the client
    This event is called whenever a media source fails to load or play for the web client
    This event is called whenever a player explicitly mutes their microphone
    This event is called whenever a player explicitly unmutes their microphone or joins voice chat
    This event is called whenever the plugin is reloaded
    This event is called whenever a player explicitly deafens their audio
    This event is called whenever the voicechat system ticked, this is useful for things like comparing changes in peer states after updates were processed
    This event is called whenever a client is ready to use voicechat
    This event is called whenever a player explicitly undeafens their audio