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Actor - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.basic
An actor is a further abstraction of a User from within OpenAudioMc.
addFilterFunction(CustomPlayerFilter) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Adds a CustomPlayerFilter to the list of functions to filter out players in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.spigot.modules.voicechat.filters.PeerFilter#wrap(Stream, Player) (which lives in the plugin, not api).
addMember(Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Add a member to the channel
addStaticPeer(Client, Client, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Add a peer (partner) to someone's voice chat.
addStaticPeer(Client, Client, boolean, boolean, DisplayOverride) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Add a peer (partner) to someone's voice chat.
ALLOWED - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.ChannelJoinResponse
The client is allowed to join the channel
ApiHolder - Class in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api
Internal class used to initialize the API once based on services from the plugin.
ApiHolder() - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ApiHolder
applySettings(MediaOptions) - Method in class
You can apply multiple options.
AudioRegion - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions
Represents a region that can play audio.


BaseEvent - Class in
Base event class, all events should extend this class
BaseEvent() - Constructor for class
BasicSpeaker - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers
Represents a basic speaker placed in the world Obtainable through the world api


callEvent(BaseEvent) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.EventApi
Call an event
Cancellable - Interface in
Represents an event that can be cancelled
CancellableClientEvent - Class in
A cancellable client event
CancellableClientEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
Create a new client event
CancellableEvent - Class in
Represents an event that can be cancelled
CancellableEvent() - Constructor for class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
ChannelCreatedEvent - Class in
ChannelCreatedEvent(VoiceChannel) - Constructor for class
ChannelDeletedEvent - Class in
ChannelDeletedEvent(VoiceChannel) - Constructor for class
ChannelJoinResponse - Enum in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels
ChannelMembersUpdatedEvent - Class in
ChannelMembersUpdatedEvent(VoiceChannel) - Constructor for class
clearPreloadedMedia(Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Clear all preloaded media for a client, including entries with keepCopy set to true
Client - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients
A player session represents the state of an online player and its corresponding web client connection.
ClientApi - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api
The ClientApi is a collection of methods to interact with clients, and get information about them
ClientAuthenticationEvent - Class in
This event is called before a client session is authenticated.
ClientAuthenticationEvent(Actor, String) - Constructor for class
This event is called when a client is attempting to authenticate
ClientConnectEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a client is successfully connected, or a player switched to this server with the web client open
ClientConnectEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
Create a new client connect event, representing a client that has connected to the web client
ClientDisconnectEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a client is successfully disconnected, or a player switched to this server with the web client closed
ClientDisconnectEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
Create a new client event that represents a client that has disconnected from the web client
ClientEnableVoiceEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a client enables voice chat.
ClientEnableVoiceEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
ClientEvent - Class in
Base event for all events carrying a client
ClientEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
Create a new client event
ClientPeerAddEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a peer is being added to the client, and can be cancelled to prevent the peer from being added.
ClientPeerAddEvent(Client, Client, VoicePeerOptions) - Constructor for class
Create a new client event
ClientPeerRemovedEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a peer is being removed from the client
ClientPeerRemovedEvent(Client, Client) - Constructor for class
Create a new client event
clone() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
Clone the object
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api
The OpenAudioMc API
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.basic - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.basic
This package contains some core abstractions and interfaces that are used in the OpenAudioMc API, mostly to wrap platform native components.
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels - package
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients
This package contains all the classes that are related to the client system. - package
This package contains our internal event system, which is used to listen to events that are fired by the OpenAudioMc Events provided by OA should be listened to through this system, not bukkit/spigot's event system because OA's events are cross-platform and can be fired from the web interface as well. - package
This package contains all events that are related to the client, such as the client connecting, disconnecting, or changing settings.
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions - package
This package contains all models to create and mutate media objects.
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions
This package contains all the classes and interfaces that are related to the region system.
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers
This package contains all the classes and interfaces that are related to the speaker system.
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice
This package contains all classes and interfaces that are related to the voice chat feature of OpenAudioMc. - package
This package only contains some deprecated classes by the name/classpath of some old commonly used classes.
com.craftmend.openaudiomc.spigot.modules.voicechat.filters - package com.craftmend.openaudiomc.spigot.modules.voicechat.filters
This package only contains some deprecated classes by the name/classpath of some old commonly used classes.
createChannel(String, Client, boolean, String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Create a new channel
createMedia(String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Create a new media instance with a source, and automatically translate the source (if needed) and register a normalized time for the start instant.
CustomFilterFunction - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.spigot.modules.voicechat.filters
CustomPlayerFilter - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice
This represents a function that can be implemented by any plugin in order to modify how players will be checked against each other.


DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
Singleton default.
deleteChannel(VoiceChannel) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Delete a channel
DisplayOverride - Class in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice
This class is used to override the display name of a player in the voice chat system.
DisplayOverride() - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride


equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride
equals(Object) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
EventApi - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api
This is the event api, which is used to register and call events.
ExtraSpeakerOptions - Enum in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers
Represents extra options for a speaker


getActor() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
Get the actor of the underlying User (usually a player)
getActor() - Method in class
getAllClients() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ClientApi
Get all clients that are currently known to the server
getChannel() - Method in class
getChannel() - Method in class
getChannel() - Method in class
getChannel(String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Get a channel by its name
getChannels() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Get a list of all registered channels
getClient() - Method in class
Get the client that this event is about
getClient(UUID) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ClientApi
Get a client by a player UUID, or null if the player is not online or not registered yet
getCreator() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Get the creator of the channel
getCustomPlayerFilters() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Returns a copy of the internal List of CustomPlayerFilters.
getDescription() - Method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
getDescription() - Method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.SpeakerType
getDisplayOverride() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
An optional display override, which can be used to change the display name and skin of a player in the voice chat system.
getDisplayUuid() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride
The new UUID that should be used to obtain skin data.
getExpirationTimeout() - Method in class
Keep expirationTimeout/keepTimeout is the amount of seconds that the openaudiomc plugin runtime should keep track of this media for.
getExplanation() - Method in enum
getExtraOptions() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
Get extra options for the speaker
getFadeTime() - Method in class
Fade time is the amount of milliseconds it takes to fade in or out. 0 by default, but can be used to create smooth transitions between multiple regions, or to create a fade in effect.
getFadeTime() - Method in class
Fade time is the amount of milliseconds it takes to fade in or out. 0 by default, but can be used to create smooth transitions between multiple regions, or to create a fade in effect.
getFadeTime() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
If the media should be faded in and out (in milliseconds)
getFlag() - Method in class
The flag of the media, used to identify the type of media.
getId() - Method in class
The id of the media, this is used to identify the media
getInstance() - Static method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ClientApi
Get an instance of the client api.
getInstance() - Static method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.EventApi
Get an instance of the event api.
getInstance() - Static method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Get an instance of the media api.
getInstance() - Static method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Get the voice api instance, or null if the plugin is not loaded yet
getInstance() - Static method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.WorldApi
Get an instance of the world api.
getKeepTimeout() - Method in class
Keep timeout is the amount of seconds that the openaudiomc plugin runtime should keep track of this media for.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
Get the location of the speaker
getMedia() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.AudioRegion
Get the media playing in this region
getMedia() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
Get the media that's being played by this speaker
getMediaError() - Method in class
Get the media error
getMediaId() - Method in class
The unique id of the media, used by the client to keep track of media pools.
getMediaSource() - Method in class
Get the media source that failed
getMembers() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Get the members of the channel
getMessage() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.basic.Actor
Get the name of the actor (usually the player name)
getName() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Get the name of the channel
getName() - Method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.SpeakerType
getName() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride
The name that should be displayed in the voice chat system.
getNormalizedCurrentEpoch() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Get the current epoch time, but normalized to the start of the current media.
getOptions() - Method in class
getPeer() - Method in class
getPeer() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.AudioRegion
Get the priority of this region
getRadius() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
Get the radius of the speaker
getRegionId() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.AudioRegion
Get the region id
getRegionsAt(int, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.WorldApi
Get all regions at a location
getRequiredPermission() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Get the required permission to join this channel
getSource() - Method in class
Source value for the media.
getSource() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
The source of the media
getSpeakerAt(int, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.WorldApi
Get a speaker at a location, or null if invalid
getSpeakerId() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
Get the speaker id
getSpeakerType() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
Get the type of speaker (spatial audio, or static)
getStartAtMillis() - Method in class
The starting point of the media, in milliseconds. 0 by default, but can be used to skip intros or start at a certain point.
getStartAtMillis() - Method in class
The starting point of the media, in milliseconds. 0 by default, but can be used to skip intros or start at a certain point.
getStartInstant() - Method in class
An epoch millisecond timestamp of when the media started playing, used by the client to calculate the current position if keepup is configured (time spent + startAtMillis)
getTitle() - Method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
getToken() - Method in class
getUniqueId() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.basic.Actor
Get the unique id of the actor (usually the player uuid)
getVolume() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
Get the volume of the client (media volume, 0-100, -1 if unknown or not applicable)
getVolume() - Method in class
The volume of the media, 0-100
getVolume() - Method in class
The volume of the media, 0-100
getVolume() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
The volume of the media, 0-100
getWorld() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.AudioRegion
Get the world this region is in, can be null if its legacy
getWorld() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.Loc
Get the world name
getX() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.Loc
Get the x coordinate
getY() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.Loc
Get the y coordinate
getZ() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.Loc
Get the z coordinate


handle(T) - Method in interface
Handler - Annotation Type in
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride
hashCode() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
hasPeer(Client, Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Register a client as a voice-chat peer
hasPeer(Client, UUID) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Register a client as a voice-chat peer
hasPermission(String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.basic.Actor
Check if the actor has a certain permission node.
hasVoicechatEnabled() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
If this session has an active voice chat instance


IGNORE_SYNCHRONIZATION - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
This option will ignore audio synchronization for this speaker specifically
initiate(ClientApi) - Static method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ApiHolder
initiate(EventApi) - Static method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ApiHolder
initiate(MediaApi) - Static method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ApiHolder
initiate(VoiceApi) - Static method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ApiHolder
initiate(WorldApi) - Static method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ApiHolder
InvalidLocationException - Exception in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions
Thrown when a given location is not valid for a certain operation (something is already there, or the location is not valid)
InvalidLocationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions.InvalidLocationException
InvalidRegionException - Exception in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions
An exception representing a fatal error during region lookup
InvalidRegionException() - Constructor for exception com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions.InvalidRegionException
InvalidRegionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions.InvalidRegionException
InvalidSpeakerException - Exception in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions
Thrown when a given speaker is not valid for a certain operation (when its null, or not placed/managed by the API initially)
InvalidSpeakerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions.InvalidSpeakerException
InvalidThreadException - Exception in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions
Throw when a method is called from an invalid thread
InvalidThreadException() - Constructor for exception com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions.InvalidThreadException
InvalidThreadException(String) - Constructor for exception com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions.InvalidThreadException
INVITE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.ChannelJoinResponse
The client is only allowed to join this channel if they are invited
isAdministrator() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.basic.Actor
If the actor is an administrator (usually a player with OP if we're running on a spigot host, otherwise determined by the platform)
isCancelled() - Method in interface
Check if the event is cancelled
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isChannelNameValid(String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Check if a channel name is valid
isClientModerating(Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Check if a client has voicechat moderation enabled
isCompatibleWith(BasicSpeaker) - Method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
isConnected() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
If this client currently has the web session open
isConnected(UUID) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.ClientApi
Check if a client is registered, and has an active web connection
isDisplay() - Method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
isDoPickup() - Method in class
If the media should attempt to pick up where its currently according to the time spent since the start instant.
isEnabledFor(BasicSpeaker) - Method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
isError() - Method in class
isLoop() - Method in class
If the media should loop (jumping back to startAtMillis and playing again)
isLoop() - Method in class
If the media should repeat when it ends
isLoop() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
If the media should loop
isMember(Actor) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Check if a client is a member of this channel
isMember(UUID) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Check if a client is a member of this channel
isMicrophoneMuted() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
If this the actor's microphone is muted, false if the actor is not in a voice chat
isModerating() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
If the actor is currently in moderation mode
isMuteRegions() - Method in class
If this media will mute current regions while playing.
isMuteRegions() - Method in class
If this media will mute the speakers of the client.
isMuteSpeakers() - Method in class
If this media will mute the speakers of the client.
isMuteSpeakers() - Method in class
If this media will mute current regions while playing.
isPickUp() - Method in class
If the media should attempt to pick up where its currently according to the time spent since the start instant.
isPlayerValidListener(Player, Player) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.CustomPlayerFilter
This method is effectively a filter call from a Stream.
isRedstonePowered() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
If this speaker is currently directly powered by redstone
isSpatialAudio() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
This flag decides if the stream should be rendered as a spatial stream.
isVirtual() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
If this speaker is a virtual speaker (managed by the API)
isVisible() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
Weather or not the peer should be visible in the web UI.


joinPreconditionCheck(Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Check if a client would be allowed to join this channel


kickProximityPeer(Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
Forcefully remove a player from my proximity chat peers.


Loc - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers
Represents a location in the world, regardless of the server implementation


Media - Class in
A Media object represents the full state of a media file, including all settings and options.
Media - Class in
Media(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new media based on a url the source will first be processed by the mutation api so you can just use addons without needing to wor§§ry
Media(String) - Constructor for class
MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED - Enum constant in enum
MEDIA_ERR_DECODE - Enum constant in enum
MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK - Enum constant in enum
MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum
MediaApi - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api
The MediaApi is a collection of methods to interact with media, and get information about them
MediaError - Enum in
This enum contains all possible media errors that can occur when trying to play a media file.
MediaErrorEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a media source fails to load or play for the web client
MediaErrorEvent(Client, String, MediaError) - Constructor for class
This event resembles an internal error in the web client (like bad or failed HTTP media requests).
MediaFlag - Enum in
The 3 types of sounds, used by the client to mark the WebAudioType
MediaOptions - Class in
This class is a model for media options, which are used to configure media objects.
MediaOptions - Class in
MediaOptions() - Constructor for class
MediaOptions() - Constructor for class
MicrophoneMuteEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a player explicitly mutes their microphone
MicrophoneMuteEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
This is a simple event that gets called whenever a player explicitly mutes their microphone
MicrophoneUnmuteEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a player explicitly unmutes their microphone or joins voice chat
MicrophoneUnmuteEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
This is a simple event that gets called whenever a player explicitly unmutes their microphone


NO_PERMISSION - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.ChannelJoinResponse
The client is not allowed to join this channel


onConnect(Runnable) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
Add a on connect handler, which fires when the client gets opened for the player
onDisconnect(Runnable) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
Add a on connect handler, which fires when the client gets closed for by player
onRequest(String) - Method in interface
Translate a custom source to a full media URL.
OptionalError - Class in
Represents an optional error
OptionalError(boolean, String) - Constructor for class
OVERWRITE_REGIONS - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
This setting will mute all the regions for the player as long as they are in range of this speaker


PLAY_ONCE - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
This setting will make the speaker play once, and then never again until the player leaves the area and re-enters
playFor(Media, Client...) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Play a media for a client
playMedia(Media) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.clients.Client
Play a media for this client
preloadMedia(Client, Media, boolean) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Force a client to preload a media, so it's ready to play when needed.
preloadMediaSource(Client, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Force a client to preload a media source, so it's ready to play when needed.
PROCESS_OBSTRUCTIONS - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions


REGION - Enum constant in enum
RegionMediaOptions - Class in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions
Represents media options for a region, this is not a full subset of the normal media options
RegionMediaOptions() - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
RegionMediaOptions(boolean, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
RegionMediaOptions(String) - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
RegionMediaOptions(String, int) - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
RegionMediaOptions(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
registerHandler(Class<T>, SingleHandler<T>) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.EventApi
Register a handler for a specific event
registerHandlers(Object) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.EventApi
Register a listener for events annotated with @Handler
registerMutation(String, UrlMutation) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
URL mutations can be used to register custom server-side media hooks or source translators.
registerRegion(String, String, RegionMediaOptions) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.WorldApi
Register a region in a world.
registerTempRegion(String, String, RegionMediaOptions, int) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.WorldApi
Register a temporary region in a world Important: - this will overwrite current temporary regions - this will throw an invalid region exception if the region is not found - this will throw an unknown world exception if the world is not loaded - this will throw an invalid region exception if the region already has permanent media - this will throw an invalid thread exception if not called from the main thread
registerVirtualSpeaker(int, int, int, String, String, SpeakerType, int, ExtraSpeakerOptions...) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.WorldApi
Register a virtual speaker at a location.
removeMember(Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
Remove a member from the channel
removeStaticPeer(Client, Client, boolean) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Remove a global peer from someone's voice chat.
REQUIRES_REDSTONE - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
This setting will only make the speaker active/discoverable when its directly powered by redstone
requiresPermission() - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.VoiceChannel
If this channel requires permission to join
RESET_PLAYTHROUGH_ON_REDSTONE_LOSS - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
This setting will make the media timestamp reset once it loses redstone power


sendMessage(String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.basic.Actor
Make the actor execute a command.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in interface
Set the event to cancelled
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setDisplayOverride(DisplayOverride) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
An optional display override, which can be used to change the display name and skin of a player in the voice chat system.
setDisplayUuid(UUID) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride
The new UUID that should be used to obtain skin data.
setDoPickup(boolean) - Method in class
If the media should attempt to pick up where its currently according to the time spent since the start instant.
setExpirationTimeout(int) - Method in class
Keep expirationTimeout/keepTimeout is the amount of seconds that the openaudiomc plugin runtime should keep track of this media for.
setFadeTime(int) - Method in class
Fade time is the amount of milliseconds it takes to fade in or out. 0 by default, but can be used to create smooth transitions between multiple regions, or to create a fade in effect.
setFadeTime(int) - Method in class
Fade time is the amount of milliseconds it takes to fade in or out. 0 by default, but can be used to create smooth transitions between multiple regions, or to create a fade in effect.
setFadeTime(int) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
If the media should be faded in and out (in milliseconds)
setFlag(MediaFlag) - Method in class
The flag of the media, used to identify the type of media.
setId(String) - Method in class
The id of the media, this is used to identify the media
setKeepTimeout(int) - Method in class
Keep timeout is the amount of seconds that the openaudiomc plugin runtime should keep track of this media for.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class
If the media should loop (jumping back to startAtMillis and playing again)
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class
If the media should repeat when it ends
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
If the media should loop
setMediaId(String) - Method in class
The unique id of the media, used by the client to keep track of media pools.
setMuteRegions(boolean) - Method in class
If this media will mute current regions while playing.
setMuteRegions(boolean) - Method in class
If this media will mute the speakers of the client.
setMuteSpeakers(boolean) - Method in class
If this media will mute the speakers of the client.
setMuteSpeakers(boolean) - Method in class
If this media will mute current regions while playing.
setName(String) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride
The name that should be displayed in the voice chat system.
setOptions(VoicePeerOptions) - Method in class
setPickUp(boolean) - Method in class
If the media should attempt to pick up where its currently according to the time spent since the start instant.
setSource(String) - Method in class
Source value for the media.
setSource(String) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
The source of the media
setSpatialAudio(boolean) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
This flag decides if the stream should be rendered as a spatial stream.
setStartAtMillis(int) - Method in class
The starting point of the media, in milliseconds. 0 by default, but can be used to skip intros or start at a certain point.
setStartAtMillis(int) - Method in class
The starting point of the media, in milliseconds. 0 by default, but can be used to skip intros or start at a certain point.
setStartInstant(long) - Method in class
An epoch millisecond timestamp of when the media started playing, used by the client to calculate the current position if keepup is configured (time spent + startAtMillis)
setVirtual(boolean) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.BasicSpeaker
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
Weather or not the peer should be visible in the web UI.
setVolume(int) - Method in class
The volume of the media, 0-100
setVolume(int) - Method in class
The volume of the media, 0-100
setVolume(int) - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
The volume of the media, 0-100
setWorld(String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.Loc
Set the world name
setX(int) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.Loc
Set the x coordinate
setY(int) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.Loc
Set the y coordinate
setZ(int) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.Loc
Set the z coordinate
SingleHandler<T> - Interface in
This is a type templated lambda for single event handlers.
SPEAKER - Enum constant in enum
SPEAKER_2D - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.SpeakerType
SPEAKER_3D - Enum constant in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.SpeakerType
SpeakerType - Enum in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers
Represents a speaker type
startClientModeration(Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Start a moderation session for a client, bypassing permission checks.
stopClientModeration(Client) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Stop a moderation session for a client
stopFor(int, Client...) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Stop all media (except regions and speakers) for a client
stopFor(Client...) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Stop all media (except regions and speakers) for a client
stopFor(String, int, Client...) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Stop a specific media by ID for a client
stopFor(String, Client...) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Stop a specific media by ID for a client
SystemReloadEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever the plugin is reloaded
SystemReloadEvent() - Constructor for class


toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.regions.RegionMediaOptions
toString() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.DisplayOverride
toString() - Method in class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
translateSource(String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.MediaApi
Translate server-sided aliases, playlists or other sources to a valid source.


UnknownWorldException - Exception in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions
An exception representing a fatal error during world lookup
UnknownWorldException() - Constructor for exception com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions.UnknownWorldException
UnknownWorldException(String) - Constructor for exception com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.exceptions.UnknownWorldException
unregisterHandlers(Object) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.EventApi
Unregister a listener for events annotated with @Handler
unregisterRegion(String, String) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.WorldApi
Unregister a region from the world
unregisterVirtualSpeaker(BasicSpeaker) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.WorldApi
Unregister a virtual speaker (which has been registered by the api)
updatePeerOptions(Client, Client, VoicePeerOptions) - Method in interface com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.VoiceApi
Push new options for a peer, changing how its rendered in the client
UrlMutation - Interface in
URL mutations can be used to register custom server-side media hooks or source translators.


validate() - Method in class
validation rules for the media options
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.ChannelJoinResponse
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.SpeakerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels.ChannelJoinResponse
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.ExtraSpeakerOptions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.speakers.SpeakerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VoiceApi - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api
The VoiceApi contains registry, as well as control endpoints for voice-chat related features.
VoiceChannel - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.channels
VoicechatDeafenEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a player explicitly deafens their audio
VoicechatDeafenEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
This is a simple event that gets called whenever a player explicitly deafens their audio
VoicechatPeerTickEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever the voicechat system ticked, this is useful for things like comparing changes in peer states after updates were processed
VoicechatPeerTickEvent() - Constructor for class
VoicechatReadyEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a client is ready to use voicechat
VoicechatReadyEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
Fired whenever a client is ready to use voicechat
VoicechatUndeafenEvent - Class in
This event is called whenever a player explicitly undeafens their audio
VoicechatUndeafenEvent(Client) - Constructor for class
This is a simple event that gets called whenever a player explicitly undeafens their audio
VoicePeerOptions - Class in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice
Voice chat options are special flags set for each peer, giving the client extra information on how the connection should be treated and rendered.
VoicePeerOptions() - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions
VoicePeerOptions(boolean, boolean, DisplayOverride) - Constructor for class com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api.voice.VoicePeerOptions


WorldApi - Interface in com.craftmend.openaudiomc.api
The WorldApi is a collection of methods to interact with features that is linked to worlds.


YOUTUBE_ERR - Enum constant in enum
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