All Classes and Interfaces

An actor is a further abstraction of a User from within OpenAudioMc.
Internal class used to initialize the API once based on services from the plugin.
Represents a region that can play audio.
Base event class, all events should extend this class
Represents a basic speaker placed in the world Obtainable through the world api
Represents an event that can be cancelled
A cancellable client event
Represents an event that can be cancelled
A player session represents the state of an online player and its corresponding web client connection.
The ClientApi is a collection of methods to interact with clients, and get information about them
This event is called before a client session is authenticated.
This event is called whenever a client is successfully connected, or a player switched to this server with the web client open
This event is called whenever a client is successfully disconnected, or a player switched to this server with the web client closed
This event is called whenever a client enables voice chat.
Base event for all events carrying a client
This event is called whenever a peer is being added to the client, and can be cancelled to prevent the peer from being added.
This event is called whenever a peer is being removed from the client
This represents a function that can be implemented by any plugin in order to modify how players will be checked against each other.
This class is used to override the display name of a player in the voice chat system.
This is the event api, which is used to register and call events.
Represents extra options for a speaker
Thrown when a given location is not valid for a certain operation (something is already there, or the location is not valid)
An exception representing a fatal error during region lookup
Thrown when a given speaker is not valid for a certain operation (when its null, or not placed/managed by the API initially)
Throw when a method is called from an invalid thread
Represents a location in the world, regardless of the server implementation
A Media object represents the full state of a media file, including all settings and options.
The MediaApi is a collection of methods to interact with media, and get information about them
This enum contains all possible media errors that can occur when trying to play a media file.
This event is called whenever a media source fails to load or play for the web client
The 3 types of sounds, used by the client to mark the WebAudioType
This class is a model for media options, which are used to configure media objects.
This event is called whenever a player explicitly mutes their microphone
This event is called whenever a player explicitly unmutes their microphone or joins voice chat
Represents an optional error
Represents media options for a region, this is not a full subset of the normal media options
This is a type templated lambda for single event handlers.
Represents a speaker type
This event is called whenever the plugin is reloaded
An exception representing a fatal error during world lookup
URL mutations can be used to register custom server-side media hooks or source translators.
The VoiceApi contains registry, as well as control endpoints for voice-chat related features.
This event is called whenever a player explicitly deafens their audio
This event is called whenever the voicechat system ticked, this is useful for things like comparing changes in peer states after updates were processed
This event is called whenever a client is ready to use voicechat
This event is called whenever a player explicitly undeafens their audio
Voice chat options are special flags set for each peer, giving the client extra information on how the connection should be treated and rendered.
The WorldApi is a collection of methods to interact with features that is linked to worlds.